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Stamford chooses book for community “read”

“A Lucky Child”

STAMFORD — “A Lucky Child,” a memoir by Thomas Buergenthal, has been chosen by the Bureau of Jewish Education of the United Jewish Federation of Greater Stamford, New Canaan and Darien, as the first annual community “read” to promote an intergenerational discussion of the Holocaust and related issues. Buergenthal is a child survivor of Auschwitz who became the American judge on the world court.
“This particular book was selected by the committee because we were striving for an excellently written non-fiction piece that would be appropriate for a vast range of age groups,” said Rhonna Rogo, chair of the Federation committee spearheading the community read. In addition, she said, “Buergenthal’s experiences as a child survivor closely parallel those of our speaker for this year’s Holocaust Remembrance Day Commemoration on April 19, Anita Schorr. Both Buergenthal and Schorr emphasize the theme chosen for this year’s commemoration: that while it is crucial that we never forget the Shoah, it is also incumbent upon us to work to make sure it never happens again by steadfastly standing up for human rights.”
The community read is rich with opportunities for people young and old to participate, says Rogol.  Parents are encouraged to read the book with their children, which is appropriate for children middle school age and up and informal book discussion groups will be facilitated by the Bureau of Jewish Education. The committee is also encouraging book groups, organizations and schools to choose the book as a reading.
For more information on the community read call (203) 321-1373 or visit

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