
Coming together to bake “Loaves of Love”

The kneading is done! This team is getting ready to start braiding their challah.

Chabad announces new initiative.


Veronica Tsvok (left) and Erina Lander, both of West Hartford, giving it all they’ve got in kneading their dough.

GLASTONBURY — Close to 100 local women enjoyed an afternoon of food, fun, and friendship at the “Loaves of Love” challah-baking event hosted by The Woman’s Touch and Hadassah at the Benet Rothstein Chabad Jewish Center in Glastonbury on Sunday, Jan. 22.  Participants each baked two challahs – one for themselves and one for a friend who might need a “lift.”  The women chose from a variety of recipes and made the dough from scratch.  Then, they braided and shaped the Challah loaves, and garnished them with a variety of toppings.
At the event, The Woman’s Touch, a Jewish women’s league sponsored by Chabad that hosts social and educational programs, launched a new Challah Party Initiative, in which any woman wishing to host a baking event just gathers her friends… and Chabad does the rest.

Rachel Cohen and her daughter Molly of Glastonbury work hard at mixing their dough

“Baking Challah is an age-old tradition practiced by women all the way back to the matriarch Sarah,” says Yehudis Wolvovsky, director of The Woman’s Touch.  “It is so beautiful to get together with women from the entire community to share this special tradition with others.”
“We are delighted to join in such a wonderful program that brings women together and allows us to give back to those in need,” says Erika Schwartz of Glastonbury Hadassah.
For more information about “Loaves of Love” or the new Challah Party Initiative contact Yehudis Wolvovsky at (860) 659-2422 or Yehudis@ChabadER.com, or log onto www.ChabadER.com.

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