On hand at The Jewish Home in Fairfield for the recent installation of 2011-2012 officers for the Home’s Residents Council were: (standing, l to r) Ellen Ashkins, director of resident life; Andrew H. Banoff, president and CEO of the Home; Rosalie Kaufman, therapeutic recreation director; (seated, l to r) Carol Engelman, secretary; Selma Rosenblatt, president; Susan Resnick, vice president resident affairs; Teresa Guzzo, vice president programming; and Gertrude Kantrowitz, vice president at large. Not shown: Barbara Spat, vice president at large.
“Part of my heritage is giving to others,” said Residents Council president Selma Rosenblatt. “My age keeps me from being as physically active as I used to be as a volunteer. Serving as an officer is a way I can still give to my community.”