CT Briefs

Sigel Academy honors "those who nourish the soul"

BLOOMFIELD – “Those Who Nourish Our Souls” is the theme of the annual dinner of the Bess and Paul Sigel Hebrew Academy, to be held on Tuesday, June 14, 5:30 pm, at Beth El Temple in West Hartford.

The Kosher Baker

“We look forward to honoring five individuals who we cherish for having nourished our souls – throughout the greater Hartford Jewish community – in a variety of ways,” said Rabbi Mordechai Weiss, the principal of the Bloomfield day school. “The community is invited to join us in showing support and gratitude to these individuals who have enriched our community and are helping to keep it vibrant and strong.”
The dinner honorees include: Rabbi Yitzchok Adler, rabbinic administrator of the Hartford Kashruth Commission; Marc Bokoff, owner of the Crown Market in West Hartford; Steve Shuman, owner of Shuman’s Deli and Bakery in Bloomfield; and Betty Anderson and Sherry Whitehead, the Academy’s kitchen staff.
Paula Shoyer, author of “The Kosher Baker,” is the evening’s keynote speaker. A French-trained pastry chef, Shoyer developed her passion for improving the quality of kosher baked goods while traveling in Europe. She is the founder of Paula’s Parisian Pastries Cooking School, in Washington, D.C. Shoyer also conducts cooking classes all over the country and has edited and tested recipes for Susie Fishbein’s “Kosher by Design” series cookbooks.
For more information on the Sigel Academy dinner call (860) 243-8333 or email gjenkins@sigelacademy.org.

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