Around Connecticut Southern New England News

Purim Around the State

Images of last week’s Purim festivities from around the state…

Arielle Cohen (left) and Leah LePage were among the students of the Temple Beth Hillel religious school in South Windsor who prepared more than 700 hamantaschen which were packed up in boxes and given as mishloach manot to every congregant in the temple community. Photo by Shelley Haslett.

Rabbi Colin "Tigger" Brodie of Congregation B’nai Torah in Trumbull greets four-year olds attending the shul’s nursery school.












Children from Congregation B’nai Israel in Bridgeport celebrated Purim with the residents of Hollander House. The preschoolers, who brought with them bags of treats and sang songs for the residents, were accompanied by Rabbi Rachel Gurevitz and their families.

Purim fun at Ezra Academy in Woodbridge.

The cast of the Purim shpiel "Bubbeh: The Bubbeh Challah Story" gathered on stage at Congregation Beth Israel in West Hartford. The play written to the music of "Buddy: The Buddy Holly Story."


"The Book of Esther According to Elvis" was this year’s Purim shpiel at Congregation Kol Haverim in Glastonbury.

Twenty-five students at Hall High School in West Hartford got together for a Purim party featuring break dancers, live music and good food, hosted by the school’s Jewish Student Union.

Mark "Groucho Marx" Fried parties away at Congregation Beth El of Fairfield’s Purim celebration.

Two West Hartford residents to be honored by JTConnect
Tweety charms residents at Ruth’s House Assisted Living
Jewish Teens Gather at the State Capitol for Leadership Conference

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