CT Briefs

Beth El initiates Holocaust YahrzeIt project

WEST HARTFORD — Beth El Temple in West Hartford has initiated a project to observe the yahrzeits of individual victims of the Holocaust.
The Holocaust Yahrzeit project is being spearheaded by Beth El member Lea Selig, who thought of the idea while visiting the American cemetery in Normandy, France. Selig was moved when she learned that each grave is adopted by a French citizen.  To show their gratitude and respect for the American soldiers who helped to liberate the French people, and to make sure these soldiers are not forgotten, on the date of the soldier’s birthday or death, the French make a pilgrimage bringing flowers to the gravesite to remember them.
This led Lea, herself a Holocaust survivor, to think about the Holocaust victims who have no one to memorialize them as individuals.
“We observe the Shoah collectively but how much kinder it would be to remember the individual by name and date and observe a yearly Yarhzeit,” said Selig. “Six million men, women and children, six million of our brethren are no more. Where shall we find them?  There isn’t a mound, headstone or stick marking the graves of those slaughtered. Who is there to mourn them, to observe yahrzeits, to say kaddish? We are! If each and every one of us would just take on the obligation to memorialize one fallen innocent victim, what a great mitzvah that would be.”
If you wish to join Beth El in remembering one of the individuals who were killed by the Nazis in Auschwitz, call the Temple office at (860) 233-9696. Those interested are encouraged to observe this yahrzeit at whatever synagogue they are affiliated with.

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