CT Briefs

Htfd. helps with Springfield Maccabi games

The 2011 JCC Maccabi Games is coming to Springfield, Mass. this summer. Nearly 1,000 Jewish teen athletes from all across the U.S., Canada, Israel and Mexico are expected to compete in the Springfield games, a five-day Olympic-style sports event for Jewish teens that also includes social action activities and recreational programs.  The games are open to Jewish youth ages 12 – 16 and will run August 14-19.
The Mandell JCC will field a team in several sports including soccer, basketball, bowling, golf, swimming, table tennis, tennis, track and field, and volleyball. Those interested in joining the Hartford delegation may contact David Laudati at dlaudati@mandelljcc.org or (860) 231-6320.
The JCC is also recruiting Hartford area Jewish host families to house visiting athletes. Host families will provide home hospitality. Bus transportation for athletes to and from the Mandell JCC and Springfield will be provided. Interested families should contact Bonnie Hittleman-Lewis at blewis@mandelljcc.org or (860) 231-6361.
To find out about volunteer opportunities for coaches, registration, medical, security, transportation, hospitality, food, athletic events and more, contact the JCC Maccabi Games Hotline, (413) 739-4715 x 333, or visit www.springfieldjccmaccabi.org.

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