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Women of Valor in Manchester

Hanna Perlstein Marcus, left, and her daughter Brenda Marcus Bula

Hanna Perlstein Marcus – wearing a business suit designed and sewn by her mother – spoke about her soon-to-be published memoir entitled “Sidonia’s Thread: Secrets of a Mother and Daughter Sewing a New Life in America” at Manchester’s Temple Beth Sholom B’nai Israel “Women of Valor” sisterhood meeting on Thursday, Jan. 20. Marcus’ fascinating tale follows her and her mother as the two women made their way from Hungary to Springfield, Mass. in the aftermath of the Holocaust. Bound together by her mother’s talent as a designer and seamstress and her role as the dutiful model, they forge a life together in a new country, while holding the secrets of the past from the rest of the world and even from one another.

Included (left to right) Judy Meyer as Mathilde Roth Schechter; Rima Riedel as Gilda Radner; Leiba Bernstein as Anne Landers; Carol Goldstein as Sophie Tucker; Laurie Bayer as Judy Blum; Marilyn Weil as Estee Lauder; and Marlynn Block as Judge Ruth Baer Ginsberg.

In addition to Marcus’s presentation, members of sisterhood presented “Women of Distinction” in which members portrayed accomplished women.

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