PJ Library offers grants for first-time campers
SPRINGFIELD, Mass. – The PJ Library, a program of The Harold Grinspoon Foundation, in recently introduced “PJ Goes to Camp,” in partnership with the Foundation for Jewish Camp’s One Happy Camper program. PJ Goes to Camp gives families with children up to 8 years of age the opportunity to receive a $1000 grant when they send their children to one of over 155 nonprofit overnight Jewish camps in North America for the first time. The grant is available for up to 500 children on a first-come, first-served basis.
“We believe that the 24/7 camp environment provides a natural extension of The PJ Library experience, giving young people the opportunity to develop lasting friendships, explore Judaism, and try new things in a safe, nurturing community.” Says Harold Grinspoon, founder of the Harold Grinspoon Foundation.
Program administrator Kirstin Gadiel advises families to apply soon for PJ Goes to Camp! “Since the announcement in late November, we’ve received close to 200 applications and inquiries,” she reports. “Parents have been eager to take advantage of the generous offer, especially in a tough economy.”
To apply for the grant, parents must first register children at an eligible camp for a minimum 3-week session. The complete list of camps as well as further information about PJ Goes to Camp! and other grant and scholarship opportunities can be found at www.jewishcamp.org. For more information visit www.onehappycamper.org.