Op-Ed Columns Opinion

In their opinion

Jewish Ledger Op-Ed

A broad range of ideas and opinions were represented on the oped pages
of the Jewish Ledger in 2010.  Here is a list of scholars, politicians, columnists,
and experts who were heard from in our paper this year.

Daniel Kline
Daniel Pipes
Dennis Mitzner
Ariel Solomon
Alan Dershowitz
Jerry Gordon
Rafael Medoff
Yehudit Barsky
Alan Jacobs
Alan Stein
Andrew McCarthy
Rabbi Avi Shafran
Abraham Foxman
Joseph Puder
Avigdor Lieberman
J. David Spurlock
Ed Koch
Elliot Jager
Aryeh Tepper
Jonathan Mark
Dennis Prager
Jay Bergman
Richard Aumann
David Frankfurter
Leonard Fein
Jacob Shrybman
Anav Silverman
Morton Klein
Daniel Mandel
Jack Wertheimer
Jennifer Rubin
Isi Leibler
Kevin Levin
Rabbi Mordechai Weiss
Jacob Neusner
Ruth King
Frederic Leder
Leo Rennert

The U.S. president-elect must heed the lessons of history when managing Iran
Jews Who Fought Insults with Bologna, Not Bullets
We are All Jews by Choice

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