B'nai Mitzvah Celebrations Milestones

B’nai Mitzvah

B'nai Mitzvah

Bar and Bat Mitzvah listing published 12/3/10

WILLIAM BRALOWER, son of Susan and Edward Bralower, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, Dec. 4 at Temple Beth El in Stamford.

STEVEN EVERETT, son of Lisa and Dr. Todd Everett, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, Dec. 4 at Beth El Temple in West Hartford.

RACHEL GOLDBLUM, daughter of Cheryl Bader-Goldblum and Stephen Goldblum, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Sunday, Dec. 5 at Temple Beth El in Stamford.

WOLF HOPKINS, son of Bonni and Alex Hopkins, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, Dec 4 at Congregation Beth Israel in West Hartford.

ALYSSA SACHS, daughter of Betsy and Robert Sachs, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, Dec. 4 at Congregation Beth El-Keser Israel in New Haven. MARK SCHWARTZ, son of Caron and Johnny Schwartz, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, Dec. 4 at Congregation Beth El in Fairfield.

ALLIE SHULDMAN, daughter of Susan and Bart Shuldman, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, Dec. 4 at Temple Israel in Westport.

BENJAMIN STEIN, son of Bonnie and Owen Stein, will celebrate his bar mitzvah on Saturday, Dec. 4 at Congregation B’nai Israel in Bridgeport.

SARAH WALTERS, daughter of Terry and Chip Walters, will celebrate her bat mitzvah on Saturday, Dec. 4 at Temple Sinai in Newington.

Dick Becker honored in Fairfield

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