Letters to the Ledger Opinion

Looking for French Holocaust survivors

The 15th Annual Mandell JCC Hartford Jewish Film Festival (March 26 – April 5, 2011) will feature the New England premiere of “La Rafle” – “The Round Up” – the harrowingly true story of the arrest and deportation of 13,000 Parisian Jews by the Vichy government in Nazi-occupied Paris in July 1942. We are searching for French Jewish Holocaust survivors, hidden children or their descendants who may have a direct connection to this event 68 years ago and are willing to share their experiences.

“The Round Up” was France’s 2010 box office hit, and made headlines as thousands of young people came to learn about this dark wartime stain on their country’s history.

Please contact Harriet J. Dobin, Hartford Jewish Film Festival Director, at the Mandell JCC, (860) 231-6350, hdobin@mandelljcc.org. Thank you in advance for your help in creating a memorable film experience for the entire community.

Harriet J. Dobin, West Hartford

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