
Yale to host international conference on antisemitism

Yale to host international conference on antisemitism

NEW HAVEN – Dr. Charles Small, Director of the Yale Initiative for the Interdisciplinary Study of Antisemitism (YIISA), has announced the inaugural international conference to launch the International Association for the Study of Antisemitism (IASA) entitled “Global Antisemitism: A Crisis of Modernity,” to be held August 23-25 at Yale University in New Haven.

The IASA is a professional association that aims to represent scholars and intellectuals everywhere, regardless of their school of thought, scientific approaches, academic discipline, or ideological opinion. The goal of the IASA is to advance knowledge of the origins and manifestations of antisemitism throughout the world.
The conference will feature over 90 internationally renowned leading scholars, professors, intellectuals, and researchers, including Professor Irwin Cotler, former Canadian Minister of Justice and a professor at McGill University; Professor Ruth Wisse, Harvard University; Professor Bassam Tibi, University of Goettingen; Milton Shain, University of Cape Town; Professor Menahem Milson, Hebrew University; Professor Jeffrey Herf, University of Maryland; Meir Litvak, Tel Aviv University, and many more. A full conference schedule is available on the IASA and YIISA websites.
“The scourge of antisemitism is once again manifesting itself intensely in different forms, especially in some Middle Eastern and European societies. The demonization of Israel and those associated with it, such as Jewish communities throughout the world, is most alarming,” said Small. “It is the intention of the conference to gather leading scholars from around the world to examine antisemitism from an array of perspectives, with special attention on the contemporary context, in order to begin to grasp what is taking place and why.”
To register, visit http://www.regonline.com/register/checkin.aspx?EventId=866040. For more information visit www.iasa-anti.org or www.yale.edu/yiisa.

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