Siding with terror groups is not just a rhetorical exercise. There is a real cost to this type of equivocation. Note that this ‘reaching out’ funding was initiated under the Bush Administration’s aegis at about the same time that Karen Hughes was genuflecting to the idea of cooperation with Islamist groups here and abroad.
The headline is from Ha’aretz of May 10: “U.S. helps Lebanon crack alleged Israeli spy rings.” The story goes on to describe the roll up of a ‘spy ring’ that was supposedly keeping Israel informed on Hezbollah’s activities in Lebanon. Five people were arrested over the weekend, making the total apprehended over a two-month period, seventeen. They were taken on suspicion of transmitting intelligence information to Israel and one can assume that the arrests were more than likely facilitated by American training and equipment, especially since the tracking down of transmitting equipment operated by the accused was a factor in finding them.
The United States has provided $1 billion in aid since 2006, including $410 million in security assistance to the Lebanese military and police. But U.S. officials have said they would review aid to Lebanon depending on the results of the June 7 election, which could oust the U.S.-backed government.
Israel has expressed reservations about American aid to the Lebanese army and security services, saying those organizations will ultimately be unable to contend with Hezbollah and that any aid is liable to serve Hezbollah’s interests. If the information we have is correct, it seems obvious that these arrests do serve Hezbollah’s interest.
(Thanks to Jihad Watch)
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