The controversy in the Republican Party between Rush Limbaugh and Michael Steele is about who speaks for the Republican Party. Not an unfamiliar Jewish argument of sorts, as we wrestle with the question, “who speaks for the Jews?”
Perhaps it is something that is answered on a case-by-case basis; and we are provided with one in the recent controversy concerning Hampshire College and its divestment of securities in their portfolios of companies associated with Israel.
Hampshire is a small school in the Amherst area of Massachusetts, not far from the Connecticut border. It is part of a group of schools and colleges referred to as the “five college area.” Ironically, one must drive right by the Yiddish Book Center to reach the Hampshire Campus. A divestment at Hampshire, if it was that, would have been the first in the country and the chorus of anti-Israel voices in the five college area was singing joyously at the prospect.
But then comes Alan Dershowitz, just as he has so many times before. Not burdened by organizational protocols, Mr. Dershowitz, who among other things teaches law at Harvard when he’s not advocating for these kinds of issues around the world, was first on the scene with a column asking the administration to disavow the divestment, if they actually did divest and to distance itself from those who claim that they did divest if they did not.
Dershowitz was effective. His discourse with Hampshire’s President Ralph J. Hexter, resulted in, after an initial reluctance, a statement that made it clear that there was no disinvestment of Israeli related securities going on at the school. Dershowitz acted quickly and he clearly represented Jewish interests in this issue. His focus got the attention of the organized Jewish world who, in the main, joined him in his efforts.
When the recent conflict in Gaza erupted it was Dershowitz again who was first and clearest on the red herring issue immediately raised by Israel’s enemies: disproportionate response. His rebuttal was intense, complete and immediate. He did it with his pen and with his voice. He was the catalyst around that issue and his definitive response even preceded that of Israel’s government. Again, many organizations and individuals followed his lead and joined in. Again, Dershowitz spoke for the Jewish people.
There are many other examples where this man steps forward to weigh in on an issue’s merits or to right a wrong. A growing number of activists in the Jewish world know this and respectfully listen to the case he makes. More often than not, they follow his lead when they are in agreement. He provides, with rational analysis and definitive arguments, the basis for much of the organizational activity that follows and he is relentless in driving his points home.
Whether he intends to or not, he speaks for most of the Jewish world in many ways and on many issues.
Something else that we take for granted is very clear. When Alan Dershowitz speaks out, it is not driven by an egoistic need for the spotlight or an organizational imperative to be out front. He chooses his issues and, more often than not, his positions are those with which most of the Jewish world can align. It is the issue itself that draws him, and not some other need that might detract from his point. There are many other voices, but Dershowitz is always there in those crucial early stages when opinions are formed. He’s often the first advocate on the scene.
One more example: Recently, CAMERA, the Committee for Accurate Middle East Reporting in America, helped produce, with DocEmet Productions, “The Case for Israel,” a documentary which premiered recently in, New York, Boston, Jerusalem and – shortly -Los Angeles. It is scheduled to premiere in Connecticut on Saturday, March 14, 7:45 p.m., at Congregation B’nai Jacob in Woodbridge; and at the Jewish Community of Amherst on April 26.
This outstanding documentary is drawn from the best-seller of the same name by, once more, Alan Dershowitz who also moderates the film. He does a magnificent job in this presentation. In addition to being screened in Connecticut and around the world it is finding its way onto countless campuses throughout North America. In this way he certainly speaks for the Jewish people too. (The DVD can be purchased at"> for $14.95.)
There is no such thing as one spokesman for the Republican Party. There is also no one leader of the Jewish world. But if there were, the person closest to getting that honor and responsibility would be Alan Dershowitz.
Yasher Koach.
Published: Wednesday, March 11, 2009 2:15 PM EDT
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