Bulletin Board Calendar


A calendar of events throughout Connecticut and parts of Massachusetts.

Local Jewish community organizations are invited to submit events to the calendar. Events must be received one week prior to the bi-weekly publication of the Ledger. Send submissions to Ledger editor Judie Jacobson at judiej@jewishledger.com. We reserve the right to edit calendar items.


Greenwich, Conn. (Zoom)—“This is Real and You are Completely Unprepared” High Holy Days Class with Rabbi David Markus of Congregation Shir Amiat 7:30 p.m.; explore the heart and should of the High Holy Days journey; track the flow of ideas, emotions and practices of Judaism’s timeless rituals, and begin rousing ourselves (both individually and as a community) – to go deep and high into this Season of Meaning. Participants are strongly encouraged to purchase Rabbi Alan Lew’s book, This is Real and You Are Completely Unprepared (available from any online bookseller), which we’ll read together. Advance registration required; visit congregationshirami.org. FREE/ Shir Ami members; $140/nonmembers.

Class schedule:

Tues, July 11 – The Walls Crack: Intro to the Season / 17 Tammuz

Tues, July 25 – The Walls Fall: On Tisha b’Av

Tues, Aug 15 – The Horn Sounds: On Elul

Tues, Sep 5 – I Heard My Name: Selichot

Mon, Sep 11 – This is Real: Rosh Hashanah

Tues, Sep 19 – At-One-Ment: Yom Kippur

Mon, Sep 25 – The Walls Fell: Sukkot (held on Yom Kippur afternoon, 1:30pm)


Cos Cob, Conn.— PJ Library Summer Soiree at the Greenwich Historical Society, 47 Strickland Rd; 7:30 pm.; Join us as we celebrate PJ Library with drinks and lite bights, Proceeds to benefit PJ Library. Info: ujajcc.org. $136


Sherman, Conn.— BluesyLand “Swinging Blues” Summer Music Series; 7:30 p.m. at JCC in Sherman, 9 Rte 39 South. Information: jccinsherman.org

SUNDAY, JULY 16 (5 p.m.) -TUESDAY, JULY 18 (9 p.m.)

Connecticut (stream)— The Davis Film Festival presents “DFF – Rose,” hosted by UJA-JCC Greenwich. The joys of celebrating the birthday of the Goldberg family patriarch give way to sorrow as his sudden death leaves his devoted wife Rose (screen legend Françoise Fabian) uncertain of how to navigate life as a widow approaching 80. Her family offers little solace, but gradually Rose begins to advocate for her wishes and pursue her desires, rejecting the societal pressure to “act her age” and fade into benign oblivion. Actress and screenwriter Aurélie Saada makes her directorial debut with this life-affirming reminder that it’s never too late to seek fulfillment. Winner of the Variety Piazza Grande Award at the 2021 Locarno Film Festival. Aurélie Saada | Drama | France | 102 min.Information: ujajcc.org. $9


Orange, Conn.— Book Club: Rebel Cinderella by Adam Hochschild; discussion led by Rachel Ranis; 7 p.m. From the best-selling author of King 

Leopold’s Ghost and Spain in Our Hearts comes the astonishing but forgotten story of Rose Pastor who arrived in New York City in 1903, a Jewish refugee from Russia who had worked in cigar factories since the age of 11. Two years later, she captured headlines across the globe when she married James Graham Phelps Stokes, scion of one of the legendary 400 families of New York high society. Together, this unusual couple joined the burgeoning Socialist Party and, over the next dozen years, moved among the liveliest group of activists and dreamers this country has ever seen. Rose campaigned alongside the country’s earliest feminists to publicly defy laws against distributing information about birth control, earning her notoriety as “one of the dangerous influences of the country” from President Woodrow Wilson. But in a way no one foresaw, her too-short life would end in the same abject poverty with which it began. At Congregation Or Shalom, 205 Old Grassy Hill Rd.; information: 203-799-2341.


Sherman, Conn.—Sunday Speaker Series, featuring New York Times bestselling author Jeffrey Toobin. JCC in Sherman, 9 Rte 39 South. Information: jccinsherman.org.


Greenwich, Conn.—Shabbat By The Sea at Tod’s Point

Gathering at 5:30 p.m. /Service at 6:15 p.m. Join us for our Friday Night on the grass area at the tip of Tod’s Point, overlooking the sunset; led by Rabbi David Markus. To be allowed onto the beach without a pass, you must register ahead of time. Specific details will be sent to those who register including a copy of the beach permit. Bring your own beach chairs, food and drinks. The Nisinzweig family will provide cake and cookies in honor of Dahni’s 70th birthday. In case of inclement weather, the service may move indoors to Zoom; decision will be made no later than Friday, at 4 p.m. An email will be sent to all members including those who registered.


New Haven, Conn.— “For These Things Do I Weep: Tisha ‘Av in a Time of Climate Change,” sponsored by Jewish Federation of Greater New Haven Jewish Community Relations Council and Beth El-Keser Israel (BEKI), at BEKI, 85 Harrison.  FREE Evening schedule:
7:30 p.m. -8:15: Setting the Stage for Mourning
8:15-9: Maariv, Eicha and Eli Tziyon
9-9:45: Two Options: Climate Grief or Musical Kinnot
9:45-10:00 Close together 


Guilford, Conn.— 17th Annual Shoreline Jewish Festival — A celebration of Jewish life! 12 noon-5 p.m. on the Guilford Green. Jewish music from around the world, children’s programs, Israeli food and other fair favorites. Jewish book sale, artists featuring Judaica and Jewish art, crafts for kids. Admission and entertainment are FREE. Food, crafts, Judaica and books are for sale. To reserve a booth or for more information, visit www.ShorelineJewishFestival.com. For anything else, contact Rabbi Yaffe at (203) 533-7495 or at chabad@snet.net.


Stratford, Conn.—29th Annual Golf Tournament. Join us for a golf outing at Black Hawk Country Club. Breakfast, lunch, cart, raffles and more. Information: 203 -799- 2341 or orshalomct.org. 

Music of the Holocaust in Sherman, May 4 

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