A calendar of events throughout Connecticut and parts of Massachusetts.
Local Jewish community organizations are invited to submit events to the calendar. Events must be received one week prior to the bi-weekly publication of the Ledger. Send submissions to Ledger editor Judie Jacobson at judiej@jewishledger.com. We reserve the right to edit calendar items.
Greenwich, Conn.— Grandparents, pick up books for your grandkids’ visits, and grab a latke at the same time; 11 a.m. – 12 noon. At UJA-JCC Greenwich, 1 Holly Hill Lane. To register: ujajcc.org. FREE
Longmeadow, Mass. – The Jewish Federation of Western Massachusetts Annual Meeting, 7 p.m., preceded by a “mingle and nosh” at 6:30 p.m., at JGS Lifecare, 770 Converse St.; honoring Federation’s past presidents, community clergy and community leadership, and recognizing volunteers, donors, and community members. All Federation members are invited to vote to approve the incoming slate of the Board of Trustees for 2023. Dietary laws observed. Masks required.
Pittsfield, Mass. (virtual) – Jewish Federation of the Berkshires hosts “Hiding in Plain Sight: Women Writers in Yiddish Literature,” with Anita Norich, professor emerita of English Language and Literature and Judaic Studies at the University of Michigan, 6:45 p.m. FREE. For Zoom link, visit jewishberkshires.org.
Springfield, Mass. – Temple Beth El Tot Shabbat Chanukah Party, 5:30- 7 p.m., 979 Dickinson St. Tot Shabbat service led by Marlene Rachelle, for families with children ages 6 and under, will start at 5:30 p.m., followed by dinner and the party at 6 p.m. Please RSVP by: Dec. 12, cresnick@tbespringfield.org, or (413) 733-4149
West Hartford, Conn.— Tefillah B’Yachad (“praying together”) is an inclusive and empowering space for women to lead and participate in prayer. This month, at 4:05, following Mincha, Lesley Wolk Meisler will lead Kabbalat Shabbat and Maariv in honor of her mother Annette Wolk, who passed away on August 16. The family will sponsor a sushi Oneg Shabbat following services in the foyer of Beth David Synagogue, 20 Dover Rd. bethdavidwh.org.
Greenwich, Conn.— Chanukah Live! Hosted by Congregation Shir Ami at First Presbyterian Church.at 6:30 p.m.Enjoy a potluck dinner, candle lighting, music, singing, dancing, learning and more. Participants must do a home COVID test on the Dec. 16 before attending; guests must wear masks when at the buffet table. Register and select the dish you would like to bring at: https://events.r20.constantcontact.com/register/eventReg?oeidk=a07ejg4bgqsa76891fd&oseq=&c=&ch=. For more information: shirami.info@gmail.com. $36/person, $108/cap, FREE/under 18
Springfield Mass. – Latkes and Vodka, a fun and festive adult Chanukah party at Temple Beth El in Springfield, 979 Dickinson St., 6:30-9 p.m.; food, drinks, and games. The menu includes: Chanukah signature cocktail, latke bar, salad bar, roasted chicken, dessert. BYOB to share at your table. To register by Dec. 8, call (413) 733-4149. $20/person (tables of 8 may be reserved.
Amherst, Mass. – Celebrate Chanukah at Jewish Community of Amherst (JCA) 742 Main St., 5:30 – 8 p.m. This free event includes latke dinner and crafts at 5:30 p.m.,(GF and Vegan options are available) and klezmer music, community candle lighting and singing at 6 p.m.
Greenfield, Mass. – Chanukah puppet show performance with Anna Sobel of Talking Hands Theater at Temple Israel of Greenfield, followed by a latkes lunch provided by Temple Israel, 27 Pierce St., 12 noon – 2 p.m., This event is free. Contact: Naomi: office@templeisraelgreenfield.org or (413) 773-5884
Holyoke, Mass. – Lighting of the first Chanukah candles at Holyoke City Hall, with songs, dreidels and refreshments following at City Hall, 5:30 – 6:30 p.m., 536 Dwight St.
Longmeadow, Mass.—Olive Oil Demonstration, 11 a.m.; followed by Menorah Parade and menorah lighting, 3 p.m., at LYA, 1148 Converse St.; sponsored by Chabad Hebrew School, (demonstration in conjunction with PRIZMAH and PJ Library; parade will end at JCC). For reservations or information: mkosofsky@lya.org, )413) 567-8665 x18. FREE
Longmeadow, Mass.– Mak’hela, the Jewish Chorus of Western Mass., will perform 2 free Chanukah concerts: Glenmeadow Retirement Community, 24 Tabor Crossing at 1:30 p.m.; and JGS Lifecare, 770 Converse St., at 3 p.m.
Longmeadow, Mass. – Latke & Shop with Na’arut Teen Life. Join Na’arut for a pre-Chanukah celebration at Congregation B’nai Torah. 2 Eunice Road; help make the holidays a bit brighter for kids at Baystate Children’s Hospital. Eat latkes and take a trip to 5 Below to purchase gifts for Baystate Children’s Hospital and return to eat sufganiyot, 11:45 a.m. – 2 p.m., Na’arut is a program of B’nai Torah, Sinai Temple, Temple Beth El and PJ Library. This free event is open to all teens 6th- 12th grade. RSVP by: Dec. 15: Contact Andrea at: SpringfieldNCSY@gmail.com or (413) 519-5328.
NEW YORK, NY—The American Society for Jewish Music’s annual Chanukah Concert at the YIVO Institute for Jewish Research, located in the Center for Jewish History building (15 West, 16 Street, New York City) at 3 p.m. Supported by YIVO, the Leo Baeck Institute and the Center for Jewish History, the concert showcases songs and stories that charm and delight, both familiar and new. It has become a tradition that the performance opens with a Chanukah story by the great Yiddish author Isaac Bashevis Singer. Once again, this year, Eleanor Reissa, Tony Award-winning director, actress, and author of the recent memoir The Letters Project: A Daughter’s Journey, will be the reader for the program, as well as the featured singer with Paul Shapiro’s band, Ribs & Brisket. To register: vivo.org/Hanukkah-Concert. $18/adults; $12/ASJM, CJH, LBI & YIVO members; $9/students & seniors.
Springfield. Mass. – The Springfield JCC’s annual First Light tradition featuring the largest outdoor menorah in Western Mass., 5 – 6 p.m., 1160 Dickinson St.
West Hartford, Conn.—“Fire on ICE,” the annual mega Chanukah celebration hosted by Chabad of Greater Hartford, will be held this year on LaSalle Road in West Hartford Center, on Sunday, Dec. 18 at 4 p.m. — the first night of the eight-day holiday. For details, see story in the Around SNE section of this issue.
Westfield, Mass. – Congregation Ahavas Achim celebration of the first night of Chanukah with prayers, songs and the lighting of Westfield’s menorah. All faiths are welcome to join. A special free Latkes and Lights party for all attendees, will be held after the lighting at First United Methodist Church, 16 Court Street. (COVID permitting), 6:30 – 9 p.m.
Worcester, Mass. – “First Light of Chanukah” at the Worcester Common Oval, 4 p.m., presented by The Torah Center. For more information, call (508) 414-7325.
Longmeadow, Mass.— Community Menorah Lighting at Court Square in downtown Springfield, Mass. 3:15 p.m.; hosted by Chabad. Springfield elected officials and dignitaries, community leaders, families will enjoy latkes, cocoa and dreidels. For information: Rabbi Chaim Kosofky, (413) 567-8665 x17, info@lya.org. FREE
Canton, Conn. – JT Connect 2022 Teen Hanukkah Celebration. Sports competitions and games, prizes, goody bags, kosher Chanukah dinner, community candle lighting, and much more. 6:15-8:15 p.m., Northstar Sports Complex, 310 Albany Turnpike, Canton. Open to ALL teens grades 7-12 – bring a friend. Sign up NO LATER THAN Wednesday, December 14. For more information, Email: Caroline/Debra at caroline@jtconnect.org/debra@jtconnect.org
Longmeadow, Mass.—Catered Dinner by Zev the Wolf Catering & Entertainment by Magician and Mentalist Eaden Marti. At LYA, 1148 Converse St. For information and reservations: Rabbi Yakov Wolff at (413) 567-8665 x 19 or email Rabbiymwolff@gmail.com. $30/adults only.
Worcester, Mass. – Community Chanukah Celebration at Polar Park sponsored by The Torah Center, Jewish Federation of Central Mass., and PJ Library. Latkes and hot cocoa at 5 p.m. and menorah lighting at 5:30 p.m./ Featuring Children’s Community Choir, Chanukah workshops, photo with the “Dreidel Man” buffet dinner and live entertainment. For more information, call (508) 414-7325 or email thetorahcenter7@gmail.com
Worcester, Mass. – Kelley Square Menorah Ceremony, presented by The Torah Center, 4 p.m.
Longmeadow, Mass.— Menorah Lighting on the Longmeadow Town Green in front of the Community House; 5 p.m.; gelt drop with the Longmeadow Fire Department, treats, and more. On the Town Green in front of the Community House.
Hamden, Conn. — Chanukah Family Service, 6 p.m. Everyone is invited to join Rabbi Immerman and Cantor Giglio as they share the story of Chanukah and offer spirited musical selections. Bring a menorah and candles to light together. At Congregation Mishkan Israel, 785 Ridge Road. For information: (203) 288-3877.
Hamden, Conn.—Congregation Mishkan Israel Annual Family and Community Concert of Jewish Music, 4 p.m. featuring Nu Haven Kapelye led by David Chevan and featuring CMI Cantor Arthur Giglio. Admission: $7/adults, $5/seniors & children under 13, and $20/families of 4 or more). Bring non-perishable food items for donation to a local food pantry. 785 Ridge Road. For information: (203) 288-3877.
Longmeadow, Mass.— “Glow in the Dark” at Longmeadow Shops Bliss Road; 4 p.m. Chanukah activities including Chanukah Story Walk at 4 p.m.; followed at 5 p.m. by menorah lighting. Sponsored by LYA, PRIZMAH and PJ Library. For information please call Rabbi Yakov Wolff at (413) 567-8665 x 19. An interactive Chanukah Story Walk, with music, dreidels, hot cocoa, latkes, donuts, LED menorah and dreidel wristbands. No reservations necessary.
Longmeadow, Mass. – Congregation B’nai Torah 80th Annual Katz Family Chanukah Breakfast, 9:30 a.m. at B’nai Torah, 2 Eunice Drive. Breakfast includes latkes with all the trimmings, music and entertainment, including a photo booth. For more information: (413) 567-0036.
NEW YORK, NY —“I’ll Have What She’s Having,” Jewish Deli Exhibit at the New York Historical Society, 77th St at Central Park; a exclusive private tour of a memorabilia exhibit including immigrant stories, and enduring cultural significance of the restaurants that would b become a cornerstone of American food culture; hosted by JCC-UJA Greenwich, 11 a.m. – 12:15 p.m. For more information or to register: ujajcc.org. $75/person.