WEST HARTFORD, Conn. — “Fire on ICE,” there annual mega Chanukah celebration hosted by Chabad of Greater Hartford, will be held this year on LaSalle Road in West Hartford Center, on Sunday, Dec. 18 at 4 p.m. — the first night of the eight-day holiday.
To accommodate the growing number of people attending the event, this year’s celebration will move from the town’s Blue Back Square, to the more spacious LaSalle Road in West Hartford Center.
“It is beautiful to see how ‘Fire on ICE’ has grown in our town,” says West Hartford Mayor Shari Cantor, noting that the popular event is moving from its previous location in the town’s Blue Back Square, to a larger location in order to accommodate the growing number of celebrants attending the event. “It’s a testament to the diversity and communal nature of West Hartford. Bringing the event to LaSalle Road will add to the vibrancy of our town center!”
“8TH DAY”, a Hasidic pop rock band based in Los Alamitos, Calif., will perform in concert, as residents watch a master ice-carver sculpt a giant Menorah from a raw block of ice.
The event is geared to promote Jewish pride, in the face of an uptick in antisemetism, explains event organizer Rabbi Shaya Gopin.
“The menorah serves as a symbol of light and hope for us today, as it did for generations before us. The flames of the menorah shine out into the night, reminding us that even when confronted with much darkness, a tiny light can dispel it all. Another act of goodness and kindness, another act of light, can make all the difference.
“As the Rebbe—Rabbi Menachem M. Schneerson, of righteous memory—would often teach, the menorah is a reminder that light can be brought to the darkest of times, and uniquely, at the core of the holiday’s observance is sharing the light with others who may not be experiencing it,” adds Gopin.
In addition to the live concert by 8th Day Rock Band, Fire on ICE will be highlighted by a “Great Chanukah Gift Drop,” in which West Hartford Fire Department fire fighters will sprinkle Chanukah gifts and chocolate coins from the top of the extended ladder of a fire truck. Children can collect the many treats as they “rain” down from above.
Other Fire on ICE highlights include: Free gifts and door prizes, arts & crafts, glow in the dark face painting, trackless train rides. Food and hot drinks will be available for sale.
Chabad of Greater Hartford will also distribute menorahs, candles, and Chanukah-at-home kits.
Throughout the holiday, Chabad will organize giant menorah displays and public menorah lightings and more. To find a local event in Connecticut and beyond, visit Chabad’s international Chanukah event directory at chabad.org.
For more information or to register for the FREE West Hartford event, visit fireonice.info, or contact Rabbi Shaya Gopin at (860) 232-1116 or visit chabadhartford.com.