Bulletin Board


A calendar of events throughout Connecticut and parts of Massachusetts.

Local Jewish community organizations are invited to submit events to the calendar. Events must be received one week prior to the bi-weekly publication of the Ledger. Send submissions to Ledger editor Judie Jacobson at judiej@jewishledger.com. We reserve the right to edit calendar items.


Bloomfield, Conn.—50th Anniversary Celebration of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford, at Tumble Brook Country Club, 376 Simsbury Rd., 6 – 8:30 pm. For more information, email Elana MacGilpin, emacgilpin@jcfhartford.org

Statewide (virtual)—  ADL Connecticut presents: “Voting for a Healthy Democracy: Exercising Our Fundamental Rights,” 7 p.m.  Live webinar via Zoom. ADL Senior VP of Democracy Initiatives, Eileen Hershenov, will moderate a discussion with the authors of the book, 100% Democracy, The Case for Universal Voting, E.J Dionne Jr. and Miles Rapoport. Connecticut is one of only five states where early voting is not permitted, but the vote on a state constitutional amendment on the November general election ballot could change that. ADL and a statewide coalition support expanding voting options for everyone and encourages a “YES” vote to the following question on the 2022 ballot: “Shall the Constitution of the State be amended to permit the General Assembly to provide for early voting?” For more information, visit Connecticut.adl.org. 


Greenwich, Conn (virtual)— “College Bound: Navigating College Admissions Successfully,” 7 p.m. A Zoom presentation to help families understand how COVID has changed the college admissions landscape and how it will affect students. Discussion will focus on college admission trends, the importance of researching and visiting colleges to find schools that area a good fit; a timeline and other action steps that can be taken to reduce stress around the admissions process; and how students can stand out from other applicants. Also held on Oct. 25 and Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. Zoom link will be provided upon registration. Hosted by UJA-JCC Greenwich. For more information: ujajcc.org. 

Longmeadow, Mass. – “Pasta in LYA’s Big New Hut,” Sukkot celebration at Lubavitcher Yeshiva Academy. Beginning at 5 p.m. with pasta and meat sauce dinner served in LYA’s new Sukkah (vegan and gluten free options available); followed by Sukkot activities sponsored by the Harold Grinspoon Foundation. Charge for dinner (activities are free): $6/child, $10/adult, $35/family max with a family rate of $35. Reservations requested but not required: Contact (413) 567-8665 or info@lya.org.   To be held rain or shine.  

Southbury, Conn. — Love & Knishes: kick off fall season with pi at 12 noon, followed by Patty’s “Energizer” Karaoke and dance music at 1 p.m.  Held at the Jewish Federation of Western CT, 444 Main St N. For info: jfed.net.  $10


New Haven, Conn. — Sixth Annual Elm City Kallah: A Weekend of Jewish Learning with Scholar-in-Residence Rachel Korazim, a Jewish education consultant in curriculum development for Israel and Holocaust studies. Through stories, poems and song of the best of Israel’s writers, Korazim opens a window into Israeli society and invites listeners to engage with Israel in an innovative way. Since the beginning of the Covid 19 pandemic she has created a global community of hundreds of learners who meet to study Israeli poetry online regularly. All events are free, except for Friday night dinner and is $25/per person. RSVP for dinner by Oct. 18 to westvilleshul.org/elmCityKallah 2022, (203) 389-9512 or (203) 589-1100. In addition to Westville, events will take place at BEKI and Congregation B’nai Jacob. Contact the synagogues for a full schedule of events.


Worcester –  Veterans Day Tribute, presented by Jewish War Veterans Worcester Post 32, the Jewish Federation of Central MA, and Worcester JCC; noon-1:30 p.m. at Worcester JCC. The 45-minute tribute will include Presentation of Colors, a brief welcome by Federation Executive Director Steven Schimmel, keynote remarks from State Sen. Mike Moore, invocation and benediction from local WWII veteran David Sadick, age 97, and the Pledge of Allegiance led by Worcester City Councilor Moe Bergman. Light kosher refreshments. The event is free and open to the public, especially Jewish military service members, their families and friends. For reservations: https://us19.list-manage.com/survey?u=7eba49701bd45d69bf49b0b5f&id=3aa005336e&attribution=false&e=a8db524d10


Sherman, Conn.—An evening of music featuring George Potts and Gordon Titcomb, two veterans of Sherman’s local music scene; 7 p.m., at the JCC in Sherman, 9 Rte 39 South. George and Gordon are getting together to celebrate the release of George’s CD “Ends and Odds.” George’s brand new CD is his very first as a solo artist. It includes a wide variety of songs George wrote and recorded at home during COVID, and was mixed and mastered with On Deck Sound Studio’s Tracy Walton. For more information, visit gordontitcomb.com.  To purchase tickets, visit jccinsherman.org. 


Bloomfield, Conn.— “Celebrate 50 Years of the Jewish Community Foundation of Greater Hartford: 1972-2022,” 6 – 8:30 p.m. at Tumble Brook Country Club, 376 Simsbury Rd.; hors d’oeuvres and drinks (kosher dietary laws observed); Celebrate 50 years of vision, leadership and impact honoring our past board chairs and CEOs. Dress to impress in your best 70’s cocktail attire, a nod to the years JCF was founded. For information, email Elena MacGilpin, emacgilpin@jcfhartford.org.


Hartford, Conn.— “The Roots of Beth El Temple and The Emanuel Synagogue”; 10 a.m. 12 noon; kosher brunch at Faith Adventist Church, 500 Woodland St. Speakers will share reflections on the history of the two synagogues and the church that have shared connections to this building over time. The Emanuel Synagogue, the region’s first Conservative congregation, stood at the intersection of Woodland and Greenfield Streets, near Keney Park, from 1927 to 1967. In 1953, a group of Emanuel families who wanted a synagogue in West Hartford joined together to create the Beth El Temple, which opened in 1956. Hosted by the Jewish Historical Society of Greater Hartford. So-sponsored by the Brotherhoods of Emanuel and Beth El. For more information, visit jhsgh.org. $12


Greenwich, Conn (virtual)— “College Bound: Navigating College Admissions Successfully,” 7 p.m. A Zoom presentation to help families understand how COVID has changed the college admissions landscape and how it will affect students. Discussion will focus on college admission trends, the importance of researching and visiting colleges to find schools that area a good fit; a timeline and other action steps that can be taken to reduce stress around the admissions process; and how students can stand out from other applicants. Also held on Oct. 12 and Nov. 16 at 7 p.m. Zoom link will be provided upon registration. Hosted by UJA-JCC Greenwich. For more information: ujajcc.org.

Greenwich, Conn. (virtual)— “Living in Jewish Times: Voting as a Jewish Value,” 7:30 p.m. via Zoom. In this monthly class taught by Rabbi Levy, we will consider what the Jewish calendar has to teach us about how we live in the world. Each time we gather, we’ll unpack our Jewish calendar to find meaning in every day life. This first class will focus on how we vote our values on Election Day. Hoted by Congregation Shir Ami. Class led by Rabbi Levy. All classes will meet on Zoom. Link will be emailed upon registration. congregationshirami.com.


West Hartford, Conn.— An Evening of Hope: A Night at the Theater featuring the award winning play “Wiesenthal,” withTom Dugan; in celebration of L’Dor V’Dor Eliane Sandler, L’Dor V’Dor honoree. 7 p.m., at the Mandell JCC, 335 Bloomfield Ave. For information: info@ctvoicesofhope.org. 


Orange, Conn.—Eight houses of worship in Orange will host “Tour De Faith,” a unique program that gives people an opportunity to experience the town’s religious diversity and learn from clergy about different faiths. A program of Congregations of Orange Collaborative, it will feature “tours” of two houses of worship — Congregation Or Shalom (12 noon- p.m.) and St. Barbara Greek Orthodox Church (1:15 – 2:15 p.m.). For more information, contact Nancy Kline at nancykline@gmail.com.  See the full story about the newly formed Congregations of Orange Collaborative in the Around SNE section of this issue.


Greenwich, Conn.— From Actress to Activist: Noa Tishby in Conversation with Bryanna Kallman, hosted by UJA-JCC Greenwich at Indian Harbor Yacht Club; 6:30 p.m. cocktails, 7:30 p.m. program. Noa Tishby, author Israel: A Simple Guide to the Most Misunderstood County on Earth, was appointed as Israel’s first special envoy for combatting antisemitism and delegitimization of Israel. After her army service, she became an actress, appearing in TV shows, films and more. She is executive producer of the Israeli show “In Treatment, which was sold to HBO, making it the first Israeli show to become an American series. A major Israel advocacy influencer, TIshby has over 250,000 Instagram followers. Registration opens August 30. For information: info@ujajcc.org. 


Greenwich, Conn (virtual)— “College Bound: Navigating College Admissions Successfully,” 7 p.m. A Zoom presentation to help families understand how COVID has changed the college admissions landscape and how it will affect students. Discussion will focus on college admission trends, the importance of researching and visiting colleges to find schools that area a good fit; a timeline and other action steps that can be taken to reduce stress around the admissions process; and how students can stand out from other applicants. Also held on Oct. 12 & 25 at 7 p.m. Zoom link will be provided upon registration. Hosted by UJA-JCC Greenwich. For more information: ujajcc.org.


Worcester, Mass. – “Torathon 2022: How Judaism Influences Our Lives,” an annual evening of adult Jewish learning, held at Beth Israel Synagogue, 15 Jamesbury Drive. Tickets: $25. Visit  www.jfcm.org/torathon

Applications for program to educate teens about Israel due Oct. 25
Hartford’s Jewish historical society document’s history in the making

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