Irving Saphirstein, 89, of West Hartford, died July 15 in United Hebrew nursing facility in New Rochelle, N.Y. He was predeceased by his wife of 63 years Estelle (Bunny) Saphirstein. Born in Boston, he was the son of the late Dr. Hyman and Mae Saphirstein. He was the developer of the first electro-magnetic lock and founder of Locknetics. He later founded Delt-Rex Door Controls in Bristol. He is survived by three children, Ruth Saphirstein and her husband, Rich Bieler, of East Hampton, Caryl Lazarus and her husband, Steven, of New Rochelle, N.Y., and David Saphirstein and his wife, Lisa, of Winter Springs Fla.; five grandchildren; a cousin, Jerry Stone of Palm Springs, Calif.; and many nieces and nephews. He was predeceased by a brother, Henry Saphirstein; and a sister, Shirley Segal; Memorial contributions may be made to the Alzheimers Association, 200 Executive Blvd, Suite 4B, Southington, CT 06489.