US/World News


Peres ignites controversy by saying Israel cannot strike Iran alone
( Although no decision has been made yet on whether to attack Iran, it seems a real war broke out in Jerusalem last week between Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu and President Shimon Peres over the merits and timing of such an attack.
In a succession of interviews, Peres warned that Israel “cannot go it alone” in striking Iran, Israel Hayom reported. In two separate television interviews on Israel’s two major commercial television channels, Peres said that while a nuclear Iran would amount to an existential threat to Israel, Israel must not act unless it first secures U.S. support for the move.
“I have no doubt that should Iran obtain nuclear weapons it would be a grave threat and that we must treat this matter very seriously,” the president said. On the reports that the U.S. considers it premature to launch an attack now, Peres said, “it is clear that we cannot do this single-handedly and that we must coordinate with America.”
One official in Jerusalem said Netanyahu was “angry and disappointed” over Peres’ remarks, adding that “Peres has forgotten what the role of president of the State of Israel entails. He has overstepped the boundaries of his authority and forgotten that he was wrong three times on national security issues.” A senior source elaborated that Peres “was wrong when he thought the Oslo Accords would herald in a new Middle East; it turned out that the peace process claimed the lives of more than 1,000 Israelis.”

Two explosions shake Eilat in suspected Grad rocket attack
( Two explosions shook the southern city of Eilat last week, startling residents but causing no injuries or damage, Israel Hayom reported. The explosions are believed to be the result of Grad rockets fired into Israel from Egypt’s Sinai Peninsula.
The explosions halted a concert by popular Israeli singer Eyal Golan at Eilat’s southern beach and concert-goers were asked to leave out of concern for their safety. The explosions were heard away from the main tourist areas, and the city’s beachfront promenade was packed with holidaymakers on Wednesday night as usual.

Hezbollah finds safe haven in Europe despite U.S. and Israeli warnings
( Intelligence experts state that Hezbollah operates freely throughout Europe, with its largest presence in Germany, where it has 950 members. These Hezbollah operatives organize rallies, hold protests against Israel and raise money that is sent back to its leadership in Lebanon, according to an Aug. 15 report in the New York Times.
However, U.S., Israeli and European officials are divided over Hezbollah’s presence in Europe. While the U.S. and Israel consider Hezbollah to be a terrorist organization based on its history of kidnappings, suicide bombings and assassinations, many European officials see Hezbollah as a complex organization that is involved in Lebanese politics and provides social and charitable services for its people.
Recently, the U.S. has lobbied hard for EU officials to blacklist Hezbollah given its suspected role in the July 18 bombing of a tour bus carrying Israelis in Bulgaria. EU officials, however, have been reluctant to designate Hezbollah as a terrorist group.

Muslim hotel owner found guilty of discrimination for chasing Jews from pool
( The Muslim owner of a Los Angeles-area hotel who reportedly shouted “Get the [expletive] Jews out of my pool!” was found guilty of discrimination on Wednesday.
Santa Monica Superior Court ordered Tamie Adaya, owner of Hotel Shangri-La, to pay $1.2 million in damages to Friends of the Israel Defense Forces (FIDF), which had held a pool party two years ago at the hotel that Adaya allegedly ended with her verbal tirade.
“The jury clearly felt that the defendants acted intentionally, with malice, and discriminated against this group of young Jews, and justice was done,” said James Turken, FIDF’s lawyer, according to the Los Angeles Jewish Journal.
Adaya, who is of Pakistani descent, also removed FIDF’s banner and literature from her hotel. She was found guilty of violating California’s Unruh Civil Rights Act.

BDS actions by Australian prof prompt lawsuit
Rabbi Lynne Landsberg sought a place for those with disabilities
Simon Cowell pulls out as judge on Israel’s “X Factor”

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